CakorDB provides a
one-stop platform for accessing genomic data, research findings, and resources related to C.
korshinskii. This database offers the essential tools and insights necessary to
better understand
and harness the potential of this remarkable shrub.
Explore CakorDB to unlock the genetic secrets of C. korshinskii and its invaluable
contributions to sustainable land management and ecosystem restoration.
C. korshinskii
is native to the arid desert regions of northwestern China and is
a valuable species for afforestation and ecological rehabilitation. This hardy plant has a
well-developed root system, making it resistant to drought and capable of thriving in adverse
conditions, including cold, heat, and saline soils. Furthermore, it contributes significantly to
soil and water
conservation, demonstrating its ecological importance and adaptability to challenging
[1]Plant: Up to 4 meters in height.
[2]Fruit: Lanceolate pod, size ~20 x 6 mm.
[3]Leaves: Pinnate, with 6-8 pairs of leaflets.
[4]Flowers: Golden-yellow with white hairs.
Cite Us
Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu . CakorDB: A Comprehensive Resource Database for Caragana korshinskii Genomics.
Under review2023, 10(2), 223. View Full-Text
CakorDB is free for academic use only. For any commercial use, please contact us for commercial licensing terms.
Update Info
The first version of CakorDB construction has been completed!