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邮编:310058 电话/传真: +86-(0)571-88206612 电子信箱: mchen(at)zju.edu.cn |
< English Version><中文简历>
2004-2005: 德国比勒菲尔德大学生物信息学博士后工作
2001-2004: 德国比勒菲尔德大学生物信息学博士研究生院,获生物信息学博士学位
2000-2001: 获德国萨克森-安哈尔特州科学和艺术部政府奖学金,自费留学马格德堡大学计算机学院,攻读生物信息学博士学位,后转入德国比勒菲尔德大学生物信息学博士研究生院
1998-1999: 硕士毕业留校任教于浙江工业大学生物与环境工程学院
1995-1998: 浙江工业大学,生物化学工程专业,硕士研究生
1991-1995: 浙江工业大学,生物化学工程专业本科,首届推免生直升进入硕士研究生阶段
- 生物组学大数据整合与挖掘
- 植物非编码RNA信息学
- 系统生物学及生物大网络建模
- 算法设计与人工智能(精准医学)
- 编委:
Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (GPB), ISSN: 1672-0229
Current Bioinformatics (CB), ISSN: 1574-8936
Advances in Bioinformatics (ABI), ISSN: 1687-8027
Journal of Proteomics and Computational Biology (JPCB) , ISSN: 2572-8679
Journal of Bioinformatics and Comparative Genomics (JBCG) , ISSN: 2694-037X
Network Biology (NB), ISSN: 2220-8879
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, ISSN: 1537-744X
OA Bioinformatics
Frontiers in Technical Advances in Plant Science
Frontiers in Plant Science
Plant Omics, ISSN: 1836-0661
Rice Research, ISSN: 2375-4338
plants, ISSN: 2223-7747
Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding, ISSN: 2500-0462
JSM Genetics & Genomics, ISSN: 2334-1823
JSM Bioinformatics, Genomics and Proteomics, ISSN: 2576-1102
Austin Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (AJCBB), ISSN: 2471-0423
生物信息学(China Journal of Bioinformatics), ISSN: 1672-5565
计算生物学(Hans Journal of Computational Biology), ISSN: 2164-5434
基因组学与应用生物学(Genomics and Applied Biology), ISSN: 1674-568X
浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学学版)(Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture & Life Sciences) -2020), ISSN: 1008-920
科技通报, ISSN: 1001-7119
- 主编:
Electronic Journal of Biology (eJBio), ISSN: 1613-4516 (创刊人; 2016起放弃此刊)
- 副主编:
- Bentham期刊品牌大使
- 百余家期刊审稿人
Member of the International Plant Proteomics Organization (INPPO)
ISCB Membership - International Society for Computational Biology (2011、2015)
Member of the Scientific Council of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) on bioinformatics (2023)
**国际顾问委员会, *主席或联席主席
**International Conference on "Role of Statistics and Data Science in 4IR", Rajshahi, Bangladesh
ISBCB 2025: 2025 International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 郑州
ICBBT 2025: 2025 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology, 杭州
ICBCB 2025: The 13th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Seoul, South Korea
IC-BIS 2025: The 4th International Conference on Biomedical and Intelligent Systems, Bologna, Italy
NLTM 2025: 5th International Conference on NLP & Text Mining, Chennai, India
*BGRS/SB-2024: The 14th International Multiconference on "Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology", Novosibirsk, Russia
*ICBRA 2024: 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Milan, Italy
*ICBIT 2024: 2024 International Conference on Biomedicine and Intelligent Technology, Zhuhai, China
IB 2024: 18th International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics, Zurich, Switzerland
ICBCB 2024: The 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Tokyo, Japan
ICIMH 2024: The 5th International Conference on Intelligent Medicine and Health, Harbin, China
InCoB 2023: The International Conference on Bioinformatics, 澳大利亚Brisbane布里斯班
MCVR 2023: International Conference on Medical Computer Vision and Robotics, 宁波
ICBRA 2023: 10th International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 西班牙Barcelona巴塞罗那
IB 2023:?17th International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics, 波兰Wroclaw弗罗茨瓦夫
ICBBE 2023: 10th International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering, 日本Kyoto京都
CBBS 2023: International Conference on Computational Biologyand Biomedical Science, 武汉
ICBCB 2023:The 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 杭州
Design X Bioinformatics Workshop 2022 , 英国London伦敦
InCoB 2022: The International Conference on Bioinformatics, 沙特Thuwal图沃
ICBRA 2022: 9th International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 德国Berlin柏林
ICBEB 2022: 2022 6th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics, 德国Berlin柏林
IB 2022:?16th International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics, 德国Konstanz康斯坦茨
ICCEAI 2022: 2022 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, 石家庄
ICBBE 2022: 2022 9th International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering, 日本Kyoto京都
ICIMH 2022: the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Medicine and Health, 厦门
IEEE BIBE 2022:The 22nd IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, 中国台湾Taichung台中
ICBCB 2022:The 10th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 杭州/海宁
InCoB 2021: 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics, 昆明
iABC 2021 : 1st International Applied Bioinformatics Confence, 土耳其Istanbul伊斯坦布尔(online)
ICBRA 2021: 8th International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 德国Berlin柏林(online)
ICBEB 2021: 2021 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics, 德国Berlin柏林(online)
ICBCB 2021: The 9th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 太原 (online)
ICCEAI 2021: 2021 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, 上海(online)
InCoB 2020: 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics, Virtual云会议
ICBRA 2020: 7th International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 德国Berlin柏林(online)
ICBEB 2020: 2020 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics, 德国Berlin柏林(online)
ICBCB 2020: The 8th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 太原(online)
ICACoP 2020: The 1st International Conference on Antimicrobial Computational Pharmacology, 澳大利亚Monash蒙纳士
2019 the 7th International Conference on Data Science and SDGs: Challenges, Opportunities and Realities, 孟加拉Rajshahi拉吉沙希
InCoB 2019: 18th International Conference on Bioinformatics, 印度尼西亚Jakarta雅加达
ICBEB 2019: 2019 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics, 马来西亚Penang槟城
OLCBBC-2019: International Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Conference, 美国Chicago芝加哥
ICBCB 2019:The 7th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 杭州
CSAI 2018: The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, 深圳
GIW 2018: The 29th International Conference on Genome Informatics, 昆明
InCoB 2018: 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics, 印度New Delhi新德里
ICBEB 2018: 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics, 天津
BDAS 2018:The 14th International Conference Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures, 波兰Poznań波兹南
BGRS\SB'2018:The 11th International Conference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology, 俄罗斯Novosibirsk Academgorodok新西伯利亚科学城
IB 2018:Integrative Bioinformatics Symposium 2018, Rothamsted Research, 英国Harpenden哈彭登
IB 2017: The 13th International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics, 丹麦Odense欧登塞
GIW / BIOINFO 2017: International Joint Conference on Genome Informatics Workshop(GIW) and BIOINFO of KSBi (Korean Society for Bioinformatics) (GIW/BIOINFO 2017), 韩国Seoul首尔
ISB 2017: The 11th International Conference on Systems Biology, 深圳
InCoB 2017: 16th International Conference on Bioinformatics, 深圳
ICBBAHE2017: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biostatistics for Agriculture, Health and Environment, 孟加拉国Rajshahi拉杰沙希
IB 2016: The 12th International Symposium onIntegrative Bioinformatics, 德国Bielefeld比勒费尔德
ICCABS 2016: The 6th IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and medical Sciences, 美国Atlanta亚特兰大
InCoB 2016: 15th International Conference on Bioinformatics, 新加坡Singapore
BioPPN 2016: The 7th International Workshop on Biological Processes and Petri Nets, 波兰Torun托伦
ISB 2016: The 10th International Conference on Systems Biology, 威海
MCCMB 2015: The 7th International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology, 俄罗斯Moscow莫斯科
ICCABS 2015: 5th IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences, 美国Miami迈阿密
NETTAB 2015 & IB 2015: The Joint 15th International Workshop on Network Tools and Applications for Biology and 11th Integrative Bioinformatics International Symposium, 意大利Bari巴里
IB-PAS 2015: 2015 International German/Turkish/Russian Workshop on Integrative Biological Pathway Analysis and Simulation, 德国Bielefeld比勒费尔德
SBB 2015: 7th International Young Scientists School "Systems Biology and Bioinformatics", 俄罗斯Novosibirsk Academgorodok新西伯利亚科学城
ICTBI 2015: 第四届国际转化医学信息学会议,太仓
GIW/InCoB 2015: 日本Tokyo东京
ISB 2015: The 9th International Conference on Systems Biology, 洛阳
BioPPN'2015 - International Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets, 比利时Brussels布鲁塞尔
ISB/TBC 2014: The 8th International Conference on Systems Biology and the 4th Translational
Bioinformatics Conference, 青岛
IB'2014: The 10th International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics, 英国Newcastle upon Tyne纽卡斯尔
InCoB 2014: The 13th International Conference on Bioinformatics, 澳大利亚Sydney悉尼
LSMS2014 & ICSEE2014: 2014 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation & 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, 上海
IEEE ICCABS 2014: The 4th IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences, 美国Miami迈阿密
BIC-TA 2014: The 9th International Conference on Bio-inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, 武汉
APBC2014 (Network Workshop): The Twelfth Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, 上海
BioPPN'2014 - International Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets, 突尼斯Tunis
IB'2013: The 9th International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics, 德国IPK-Gatersleben莱布尼茨植物遗传和作物研究所
BioPPN'2013 - International Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets, 意大利Milano米兰
Integrative Biology-2013: International Conference on? Integrative Biology Summit, 美国Las Vegas拉斯维加斯
CCSB 2013: 2013 Conference on Computational and Systems Biology, 三亚
SBB 2013: 5th International Young Scientists School "Systems Biology and Bioinformatics", 俄罗斯Novosibirsk Academgorodok新西伯利亚科学城
InCoB 2013: The 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics, 太仓
ICACS 2013: International Conference on Agriculture and Crops Science, 咸宁
ICTBI 2012: The 1st International Conference on Translational Biomedical Informatics, 苏州
BIC-TA 2012 - The seventh International Conference on “Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Application, 印度Gwalior瓜廖尔
PMA'2012 - 2012 Fourth International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, 上海
BioPPN'2012 - International Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets, 德国Hamburg汉堡
BGRS\SB-2012 - The 8th International Conference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology, 俄罗斯Novosibirsk Academgorodok新西伯利亚科学城
CCBSB'2012 - 第五届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会, 哈尔滨
IB'2011 - The
7th International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics, 荷兰Wageningen瓦格宁根
BIC-TA'2011 - The Sixth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and
Applications, 马来西亚Penang槟城
BioPPN'2011 - The 2nd Workshop on Biological Processes and Petri Nets, conjunction
with Petri Net 2011 conference, 日本Kanazawa金沢
GIW'2010 - The 21th International
Conference on Genome Information, 杭州
CCBSB'2010 - 第四届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会, 杭州
BIC-TA'2010 - The Fifth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications,
IBW2010 - The 8th
International Bioinformatics Workshop, 武汉
IBW'2010 - The Sixth International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics,
LSMS'2010 - 2010 International
Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation, 无锡
BIC-TA'2009 - The Fourth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, 北京
ICCSB'2009 - IEEE International Conference on Computational and System Biology, 上海
BGRS'2008 - The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and
Structure, 俄罗斯Novosibirsk Academgorodok新西伯利亚科学城
IBW'2008 - The Fifth International Integrative Bioinformatics Workshop, 德国Wittenberg威登堡
BIC-TA'2008 - The Third International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and
Applications, 澳大利亚Adelaide阿德莱德
IBW'2007 - The 4th International Integrative Bioinformatics Workshop, 比利时Ghent根特
LSMS'2007 - 2007 International conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation, 上海
ICBBE'2007 - The 1st International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, 武汉
BIC-TA'2007 - The Second International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and
Applications, 郑州
863项目, 2006-
新西兰国家健康研究理事会(HRC)项目, 2009-
匈牙利国家研究发展与创新基金 (NRDI), 2021-
Judge, iGEM 2011-, Asia & World
- 书籍或章节
Ming Chen, Ralf Hofest?dt, Eds. (2022)
Integrative Bioinformatics. History and Future
Springer, 2022. ISBN: 978-981-16-6794-7. |
陈铭 主编 (2022)
科学出版社, 2022年3月. ISBN: 978-7-03-071906-5. |
陈铭 原春晖主编 (2022)
科学出版社, 2022年3月. ISBN: 978-7-03-071689-7. |
Dahui Hu, Peijing Zhang, Ming Chen* (2021)
Database Resources for Functional Circular RNAs
In: RNA Bioinformatics. Methods Molecular Biology, Vol. 2284 (Ernesto Picardi, ed.) , ISBN: 978-1-0716-1306-1, Chapter 24 |
Peijing Zhang, Ming Chen* (2021)
Circular RNA Databases
In: Plant Circular RNAs: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 2362 (Luis María Vaschetto ed.) , ISBN: 978-1-0716-1645-1, Chapter 7 |
Ming Chen (Co-chair) (2021)
2021 IEEE the 9th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Compuational Biology (ICBCB 2021) , ISBN: 978-0-7381-3202-0 |
Danfeng Jin, Xianwen Meng, Yue Wang, Jingjing Wang, Yuhua Zhao*, Ming Chen* (2019)
Computational Investigation of Small RNAs in the Plant-microorganism Symbionts in Medicago truncatula
In: The Model Legume Medicago truncatula, 2 Volume Set (Frans J. de Bruijn, ed.) , ISBN-13: 978-1119409168, Chapter 12.9.5 |
陈铭 主编 (2018)
科学出版社, 2018年6月. ISBN: 978-7-03-057681-1. |
ZJU_China Team, Ming Chen (2015)
RNA Scaffold: Designed to Co-localize Enzymes
In: RNA Scaffolds: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology (Luc Ponchon, ed.), vol. 1316, chapter 9, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2730-2_9.. |
陈铭 主编 (2015)
科学出版社, 2015年2月. ISBN: 978-7-03-043287-2. |
Ming Chen, Ralf Hofest?dt, Eds. (2014)
Approaches in Integrative Bioinformatics. Towards the Virtual Cell
Springer, 2014. ISBN: 978-3-642-41280-6. |
陈铭,包家立,黄炳顶 译;T.Charlie Hodgman, Andrew French, David R.Westhead, Ed. (2013)
生物信息学(第二版);Bioinformatics (2nd Edition)
科学出版社, 2013. ISBN: 7-03-038812-4/Q 3212. |
陈铭 主编 (2012)
科学出版社, 2012年1月. ISBN: 978-7-03-033205-9. |
Yijun Meng, Ping Wu, Ming Chen (2011)
MicroRNAs in plant roots: current understanding and future perspectives
In: Non Coding RNAs in Plants (Erdmann & Barciszewski, ed.), ISBN 978-3-642-19453-5, pp. 269-284. |
Ming Chen et al. (2011)
Two articles selected for Series "Studies in Health Technology and Informatics" (Volume 162)
In: Biological Petri Nets (Edgar Wingender ed.), ISBN 978-1-60750-703-1 |
陈铭,王祎萍,罗聪 (2008)
浙江大学出版社, 2008. ISBN: 978-7-308-05924-4. |
陈晓辉,宁开达,陈铭* (2006)
生物信息学中的智能计算理论与研究方法(黄德双等主编),pp.65-69. |
Ming Chen, Ralf Hofestaedt (2006)
Prediction and Alignment of Metabolic Pathways
In: Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure II (Nikolay Kolchanov ed.), pp.355-365. |
Ming Chen, Andreas Freier, Ralf Hofestaedt (2005)
Bioinformatics Approaches for Metabolic Pathways
In: Handbook of Genome Research (Christoph W. Sensen ed.), pp.461-490. |
- 专业论文(列20篇,最新及其他请参考:所有文章)   
20. Qi Chen, Xianwen Meng, Qi Liao, Ming Chen* (2019)
Versatile interactions and bioinformatics analysis of noncoding RNAs
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 20(5): 1781–1794.
19. Xianwen Meng, Qi Chen, Peijing Zhang, Ming Chen* (2017)
CircPro: an integrated tool for the identification of circRNAs with protein-coding potential
Bioinformatics, 33(20): 3314–3316.
18. Chunhui Yuan, Xianwen Meng, Xue Li, Nicola Illing, Robert Ingle, Jingjing Wang, Ming Chen* (2017)
PceRBase: A database of plant competing endogenous RNA
Nucleic Acids Research, 45 (D1): D1009-D1014.
17. Lili Liu, Zijun Zhang, Taotao Sheng, Ming Chen* (2017)
DEF: An automated dead-end filling approach based on quasi-endosymbiosis
Bioinformatics, 33(3): 405-413.
16. Xianwen Meng, Xue Li, Peijing Zhang, Jingjing Wang, Yincong Zhou, Ming Chen* (2017)
Circular RNA: an emerging key player in RNA world
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 18(4): 547-557.
15. Xiaozhuan Dai, Youhuang Bai, Andrew Harrison, Ming Chen* (2016)
Towards a next-generation atlas of RNA secondary structure
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 17(1): 63-77.
14. Zhao Zhang, Li Jiang, Jingjing Wang, Peizhen Gu, Ming Chen* (2015)
MTide: an integrated tool for the identification of miRNA-target interaction in plants
Bioinformatics, 31(2): 290-291.
13. Dijun Chen, Liang-Yu Fu, Zhao Zhang, Guoliang Li, Hang Zhang, Li Jiang, Andrew Harrison, Hugh Shanahan, Christian Klukas,; Hong-Yu Zhang, Yijun Ruan, Ling-ling Chen, Ming Chen* (2014)
Dissecting the chromatin interactome of microRNA genes
Nucleic Acids Research, 42(5): 3028-3043.
12. Chaogang Shao, Ming Chen*, Yijun Meng* (2013)
A reverse framework for the identification of microRNA—target pairs in plants
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 14(3): 293-301.
11. Dijun Chen, Chun-hui Yuan, Jian Zhang, Zhao Zhang, Lin Bai, Yijun Meng, Ling-ling Chen, Ming Chen* (2012)
PlantNATsDB: a comprehensive database of plant natural antisense transcripts
Nucleic Acids Research, 40(1): D1187-D1193.
10. Donglin Huang, Yiling Huang, Youhuang Bai, Dijun Chen, Ralf Hofestaedt, Christian Klukas, Ming Chen* (2011)
MyBioNet: interactively visualize, edit and merge biological networks on the Web
Bioinformatics, 27(23): 3321-3322.
9. Yijun Meng; Chaogang Shao; Ming Chen* (2011)
Toward microRNA-mediated gene regulatory networks in plants
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 12(6): 645-659.
8. Dijun Chen, Yijun Meng, Chunhui Yuan, Lin Bai, Donglin Huang, Shaolei Lv, Ping Wu, Lingling Chen, Ming Chen* (2011)
Plant siRNAs from introns mediate DNA methylation of host genes
RNA, 17: 1012-1024.
7. Yijun Meng, Lingfeng Gou, Dijun Chen, Chuanzao Mao, Yongfeng Jin, Ping Wu, Ming Chen* (2011)
PmiRKB: a plant microRNA knowledge base
Nucleic Acids Research, 39(1): D181-D187.
6. Dijun Chen, Yijun Meng, Xiaoxia Ma, Chuanzao Mao, Youhuang Bai, Junjie Cao, Haibin Gu, Ping Wu, Ming Chen* (2010)
Small RNAs in angiosperms: sequence characteristics, distribution, and generation
Bioinformatics, 26(11): 1391-1394
5. Ming Chen, Yijun Meng, Chuanzao Mao, Dijun Chen, Ping Wu (2010)
Methodological framework for functional characterization of plant microRNAs
Journal of Experimental Botany, 61(9): 2271-2280.
4. Xiaohui Chen, Ming Chen*, Kaida Ning (2006)
BNArray: An R package for constructing gene regulatory networks from microarray data by using Bayesian network
Bioinformatics, 22: 2952-2954.
3. Ming Chen, Ralf Hofestaedt (2006)
A Medical Bioinformatics Approach for Metabolic Disorders: Biomedical Data Prediction, Modeling and Systematic Analysis
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 39(2): 147-159.
2. Ming Chen, Susana Lin and Ralf Hofestaedt (2004)
STCDB: Signal ransduction Classification Database
Nucleic Acids Research, 32(1), D456-D458.
1. Ming Chen and Ralf Hofestaedt (2003)
Quantitative Petri net model of gene regulated metabolic networks in the cell.
In Silico Biology, 3(3), 347-365.
- 讲演/海报/会议摘要
285**. 陈铭 (2024) 生物信息学科教协同医工交叉创新研究,2024黑龙江新工科、新医科教育联盟研讨论坛—医工交叉建设论坛, 2024年12月7日,哈尔滨
284**. 陈铭 (2024) 基于大数据的衰老评估与知识发现,科学计算与系统建模仿真医学院校应用研讨会暨2024全国重大疾病组学信息学会议和喜迎百年校区˙教学学术系列活动, 哈尔滨医科大学,2024年12月6日,哈尔滨
283*. Ming Chen (2024) Plant Omics Integration and Analysis Platform for Molecular Breeding - Case Study. 15th International Young Scientists School "Systems Biology and Bioinformatics" & 4th Young Scientists School "Plant genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and biotechnology", Nov. 30, Novosibrisk, Russia.
282*. Ming Chen (2024) Non-coding RNAs and Their Integrated Networks. 15th International Young Scientists School "Systems Biology and Bioinformatics" & 4th Young Scientists School "Plant genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and biotechnology", Nov. 28, Novosibrisk, Russia.
281*. Ming Chen (2024) Genome-wide Multiple-level Integrated Biological Network of Rice. 15th International Young Scientists School "Systems Biology and Bioinformatics" & 4th Young Scientists School "Plant genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and biotechnology", Nov. 25, Novosibrisk, Russia.
280. 陈铭 (2024) 整合生物信息学的机遇与挑战,浙江大学医学院附属第一医院临床药学部, 2024年11月20日,杭州
279. 陈铭 (2024) 人工智能时代生物信息学学科发展和人才培养模式研究,重庆医科大学, 2024年11月18日,重庆
278**. 陈铭 (2024) 整合生物信息学的机遇与挑战,重庆市生物信息学学会2024年学术年会, 2024年11月3日,重庆
277. Ming Chen (2024) Integrative Bioinformatics Approaches for Molecular Interaction Modeling and Visualization, 18th International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics (IB 2024), Sep.12, Zurich, Switzerland
276. Ming Chen (2024) Aging related Bioinformatics studies, Maastricht University Medical Center+, Sep.6, Maastricht, Netherlands
275*. 陈铭 (2024) 医学生物信息学概念及发展, 2024 年长三角疑难病原微生物感染诊断论坛暨临床微生物检验能力提升高级培训班, 2024年8月30日,杭州
274**. Ming Chen (2024) Big data-based studies on neurodegenerative-related interactome, aging and longevity, 2024 International Conference on Biomedicine and Intelligent Technology (ICBIT 2024), August 24, Zhuhai, China
273. 陈铭 (2024) One Health: Biodiversity Conservation & Integrative Bioinformatics,西藏大学,2024年8月21日,拉萨
272*. Ming Chen (2024) Bioinformatics Approaches for Biological Age Prediction and Human Aging & Longevity Knowledge Graph, The 7th International Conference on Biological Informatics and Biomedical Engineering (BIBE 2024), August 14, Hohhot, China
271**. Ming Chen (2024) Big data-based studies on neurodegenerative-related interactome, aging and longevity, 14th International Multiconference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure / Systems Biology (BGRS/SB 2024), August 5, Novosibirsk, Russia
270*. 陈铭 (2024) 整合生物信息学机遇与挑战,第10届全国计算生物学与生物信息学学术会议, 2024年7月14日,宁波
269**. Ming Chen (2024) Integrative Bioinformatics Approaches Towards Modelling Non-coding RNA Interactome of the Whole Plant Cell, VIII Congress of the Vavilov Society of Genetics and Breeders, June 19, Saratov, Russia
268**. Ming Chen (2024) Data-driven Bioinformatics Approaches for Biological Age Prediction and Human Aging & Longevity Knowledge Graph, The 5th Int'l Conference on Bioinformatics and Intelligent Computing (BIC 2024), May 29, Kunming, China
267**. Ming Chen (2024) Bioinformatics Approaches for Biological Age Prediction and Human Aging & Longevity Knowledge Graph, 2024 The 16th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology (ICBBT 2024), May 25, Chongqing, China
266. 陈铭 (2024) 多组学与整合生物信息学:从精准育种到智慧农业,内蒙古农业大学,2024年5月23日,呼和浩特
265**. Ming Chen (2024) Big data-based studies on neurodegenerative-related interactome, aging and longevity, 2024 3rd International Conference on Biomedical and Intelligent Systems (IC-BIS 2024), April 27, Nanchang, China
264. 陈铭 (2024) 植物多组学与整合生物信息学:从精准育种到智慧农业,内蒙古农业大学,2024年4月20日,呼和浩特
263. Ming Chen (2024) Big data-based studies on neurodegenerative-related interactome, aging and longevity, BioHabana 2024, April 3, Havana, Cuba
262. 陈铭 (2024) 生物年龄预测模型与衰老长寿知识图谱,第一届全国基因组医学和人工智能论坛, 2024年3月24日,温州
261. 陈铭 (2024) 基于大数据的生物年龄预测模型与衰老知识图谱,重庆市生物信息学学会2023年总结暨2024年第一次学术大会, 2024年1月21日,重庆
260. 陈铭 (2023) 生物信息学工程化研究与创新教育,2023新时代高校生命科学教学改革与创新研讨会, 2023年11月26日,厦门
259. 陈铭 (2023) 生物信息学工程化研究与创新教育,2023南海生信论坛(全国重大疾病组学大数据信息学高端学术会议暨中国生物信息学学会(筹)重大疾病组学信息学专委会会议与学科建设研讨会, 2023年11月25日,海口
258. 陈铭 (2023) 基于文本大数据的人类生物年龄预测模型与衰老知识图谱,第15届中山医学院学术节“2023年健康医疗大数据与人工智能前沿论坛”, 2023年11月16日,广州
257. Ming Chen (2023) Integrating Omics Databases for Enhanced Crop Breeding, 17th International Integrative Bioinformatics Conference (IB 2023), Sep.6, Wroclaw, Poland
256. 陈铭 (2023) 整合生物信息学机遇与挑战,第四届全国“农业、健康与生态”整合生物信息学学术研讨会, 2023年8月9日,呼伦贝尔
255. 陈铭 (2023) 整合生物信息学的资源、挑战与应用--生物信息学发展的几点思考,2023生物数字经济产业发展高端论坛, 2023年7月28日,张家口
254. 陈铭 (2023) 健康指数与风险识别及预测模型构建,浙江省基本公共卫生服务数字化发展与运用培训班, 2023年7月13日, 杭州
253. Ming Chen (2022) Deep Learning frameworks for Protein-Protein Interaction and Disease Similarity Prediction, World Congress "Systems theory, algebraic biology, artificial intelligence: mathematical foundations and applications": Section "Systems biology, logic and artificial intelligence", June 29, Novosibirsk, Russia
252. Ming Chen (2023) Resources, Challenges & Applications of Integrative Bioinformaitcs, The 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Intelligent Computing (BIC 2023), May 31, Chengdu, China
251. Ming Chen (2023) Deep Insight into protein-protein interactions of neurodegenerative diseases, 2023 2nd International Conference on Biomedical and Intelligent Systems (IC-BIS 2023), April 29, Xiamen, China
250. 陈铭 (2023) 整合生物信息学赋能精准医学科创发展,2023世界青年科学家峰会:同一健康国际论坛, April 26, Wenzhou, China
249. 陈铭 (2023) 整合生物信息学的资源、挑战与应用,第十八届国际基因组学大会(ICG-18)多组学与眼健康论坛,2023年4月18日,中国眼谷,温州
248. 陈铭 (2023) 神经退行性疾病相关关键基因蛋白的挖掘与药物筛选,浙江省生物信息学学会科技成果转化发展论坛,2023年3月27日,中国眼谷,温州
247. 陈铭 (2023) 整合生物信息学研究新范式,湖州师范学院,2023年3月10日,湖州
246. Ming Chen (2022) Integrative Bioinformatics for Protein-Protein Interactions, The 1st international conference on antimicrobial computational pharmacology (ICAComP), Dec. 13, Melbourne, Australia (online)
245. 陈铭 (2022) 生物医学大数据与整合生物信息学分析,浙江理工大学绍兴生物医药研究院,2022年12月9日,绍兴
244. 陈铭 (2022) 生物医学大数据与整合生物信息学分析,南京中医药大学,2022年11月25日,在线
243. 陈铭 (2022) 疾病相关蛋白互作及潜在靶向药物的生物信息学发掘,2022第13届中国(泰州)国际会医药博览会 - 第五届中国再生医学与生物技术大会,2022年11月20日,泰州
242. 陈铭 (2022) 植物整合生物信息学:从精准育种到智慧农业,第40届“塔河明珠”学术论坛暨浙江大学-塔里木大农业生物信息学学术研讨会,2022年11月18日,杭州
241. 陈铭 (2022) 整合生物信息学赋能潜在蛋白药物靶标的发掘,2022中国现代应用药学峰会 - 智慧药物研究论坛,2022年11月18日,杭州
240. 陈铭 (2022) 大数据时代生物信息学的组学整合与工程化研究.内蒙古生物物理与生物信息学会成立大会暨2022全国计算表观遗传学与生物医学大数据前沿研讨会, 2022年8月27日, 内蒙古大学, 呼和浩特
239. Ming Chen (2022) Integrative Bioinformatics: a case study on protein-protein interactions of neurodegenerative diseases, Australia-China Research Symposium, Aug. 25, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI), Australia (online)
238. 陈铭 (2022) 组学大数据的整合生物信息学研究,Vision China 2022视觉健康创新发展国际论坛,2022年7月23日,厦门
237. 陈铭 (2022) 生物信息学:从单一组学到整合研究,湖南农业大学,2022年6月30日,长沙
236. 陈铭 (2022) 生物信息学资源与整合生物信息学,国防科技大学,2022年6月29日,长沙
235. 陈铭 (2021) 神经退行性疾病相关蛋白相互作用的生物信息学研究,海南大学,2021年12月22日,海口
234. 陈铭 (2021) 蛋白质相互作用的分子解析与可视化,第二届全国系统生物学大会,2021年12月18日,上海(线上报告)
233**. Ming Chen (2021) Integrative Bioinformatics for PPI of Neurodegenerative Diseases, 2021 International Conference on Human Genetics and Genomics, Dec. 2, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran (online)
232. 陈铭 (2021) 生物信息学挖掘神经退行性疾病相关的蛋白互作,2021中国国际生物技术大会暨展览会,2021年10月23日,泰州
231. 陈铭 (2021) Integrative Bioinformatics analysis of PPI networks for neurodegenerative diseases. 第十一届中国蛋白质组学大会, 2021年10月15日,武汉
230. Ming Chen (2021) Integrative Bioinformatics for Protein-Protein Interactions, Inti Bioinformatics Symposium,Sep. 18, INTI International University, Nilai, Malaysia (online)
229. 陈铭 (2021) 生物信息学资源与整合生物信息学.福建省生物信息学学会成立大会暨第一届学术会议, 2021年9月4日, 厦门大学, 厦门
228. 陈铭 (2021) 神经退行性疾病相关蛋白互作的整合生物信息学分析,首届宁波大学“AI与生物信息学前沿”学术研讨会,2021年7月11日,宁波
227. 陈铭 (2021) Integrated PPI Network of Neurodegenerative Diseases,第三届国际遗传与表观遗传精准医疗论坛生物医学大数据与人工智能分论坛,2021年7月3日,北京
226. 陈铭 (2021) 生物信息学资源挖掘构建多层次植物分子调控网络,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,2021年6月24日,昆明
225. Ming Chen / Yuriy Orlov (2021) Bioinformatics Brings Us Closer: integrated bioinformatics analysis of freezing and draught resistant plants, Jubilee Science Forum "NSFC-RFBR: 25 years of cooperation",June 16, Beijing, China
224. 陈铭 (2021) 生物信息学资源与整合生物学,云南农业大学,2021年6月2日,昆明
223**. Ming Chen(2021) Deep Insight into Bioinformatics Resources, Int'l Conference on Bioinformatics and Intelligent Computing (BIC 2021),June 2, Guilin, China
222. 陈铭(2021) (浙江大学)生物信息学课程与教材建设, 生物信息学与智能信息处理2021年学术会议(教育分论坛),2021年5月22日, 武汉
221. 陈铭 (2021) (血液学)生物信息学资源及挖掘与整合,浙江省医学会血液病学分会学术大会,2021年5月16日,湖州
220. 陈铭 (2021) 生物信息学资源挖掘与整合,山东大学,2021年4月22日,青岛
219. 陈铭 (2021) 生物信息学资源整合赋能精准医学研究,内蒙古民族大学,2021年3月27日,通辽
218. 陈铭 (2021) 生物信息学资源整合赋能精准医学研究,温州医科大学,2021年1月29日,温州
217. 陈铭 (2021) Annual Report for Institute of Hematology,浙江大学血液研究所年会,2021年1月8日,在线
216. 陈铭 (2021) 生物信息学讲座,海南大学,2021年1月5日,海口
215. 陈铭 (2020) 生物信息学研究及iGEM的参赛历史回顾,浙江大学国际联合学院首届学术年会,2020年12月26日,海宁
214. 陈铭 (2020) 生物信息学资源挖掘与整合分析,中南大学,2020年12月7日,长沙
213. 陈铭 (2020) 组学大数据时代生物信息学整合分析,南京农业大学,2020年12月1日,在线
212. 陈铭 (2020) 组学大数据与生物信息学资源挖掘,2020中国计算机大会CNCC杭州分会场,2020年10月23日,未来科技城,杭州
211. 陈铭 (2020) 组学大数据时代生物信息学整合分析,基因组学前沿与发展论坛,2020年6月5日,国家烟草基因研究中心,郑州
210. 陈铭 (2020) Annual Report for Institute of Hematology,浙江大学血液研究所年会,2020年1月3日,杭州
209. 陈铭 (2019) 整合生物信息学的发展与挑战,浙江省数理医学会精神医学分会成立大会, 2019年12月28日,杭州
208. 陈铭 (2019) 非编码RNA的整合生物信息学研究,江苏省江苏省现代作物生产协同创新中心共性关键技术平台2019年总结汇报会,南京农业大学,2019年12月20日,南京
207. 陈铭 (2019) 整合生物信息学的发展与挑战,南京大学,2019年12月16日,南京
206. 陈铭(2019) 浙江省生物信息学学会建设(立足浙江、走在前列;服务浙江、创新发展), 中国生物信息学学科发展暨地方生物信息学学会创立和组织建设研讨会,2019年11月16日, 北京
205*. 陈铭(2019) 分子调控网络整合生物信息学研究,中国化学会第十五届全国计算(机)化学学术会议,2019年11月15日, 上海
204*. Ming Chen (2019) Bioinformatics Approaches for Single Cell and Big Data Analysis. the IX International Meeting on Bioinformatics and OMICs, Oct. 26, Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba
203**. Ming Chen (2019) Bioinformatics Approaches for Single Cell Transcriptomics and Omics Big Data Analysis. 11th ICT Innovations Conference, Oct. 17, Ohrid, North Macedonia
202**. Ming Chen (2019) Bioinformatics Approaches for Single Cell Omics Data Analysis. 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics (ICBEB 2019), Sep. 26, Penang, Malaysia
201. 陈铭(2019) 整合生物信息学的研究与挑战,同济大学生物信息学系建系十周年学术研讨会,2019年9月22日, 上海
200. 陈铭 (2019) 植物生物信息学:从基因组到表型组,湖南中烟技术研发中心,2019年8月29日,长沙
199. 陈铭 (2019) 生物信息学与精准医学大数据分析,宁波市人社局《医学生物信息学技术和应用》高级研修班暨浙江省生物信息学学会精准医学专委会和青年委员会2019年度联合学术会议,2019年8月24日,宁波大学医学院
198. Ming Chen (2019) Bioinformatics Education & Research Development in CLS, ZJU and Zhejiang. The 1st Bilateral Conference of Zhejiang University-Bielefeld University Joint Symposium on Bioinformatics, July 3, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
197. 陈铭(2019) 浙江大学生物信息学专业建设(大学生国际视野及科研能力培养的探索与实践), 生物信息学与智能信息处理2019年学术会议(教育论坛),2019年6月22日, 南京
196. 陈铭 (2019) 植物非编码RNA及其复杂生物网络,内蒙古农业大学,2019年5月20日,呼和浩特
195. Ming Chen (2019) Bioinformatics studies on non-coding RNAs and their versatile interactions. The 2nd Bilateral Conference of ZJU-Edinburgh Collaborative Research, May 4, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK
194. 陈铭(2019)细胞水平转录组调控网络生物信息学挖掘, 中国细胞生物学学会2019年全国学术会议,人工智能与系统生物学分会场,2019年4月11日,天津
193. 陈铭(2019)植物非编码RNA及其调控网络的生物信息学研究, CCF走进高校活动讲座,2019年3月31日,电子科技大学, 成都
192. 陈铭(2019)植物非编码RNA及其整合调控网络, 第六届全国计算生物学与生物信息学学术会议, 2019年3月31日, 成都
191**. Ming Chen (2019) Bioinformatics Studies on Non-Coding RNAs and their Versatile Interactions. The 7th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ICBCB 2019), March 22, Hangzhou, China
190. Ming Chen (2019) Integrative Bioinformatics in Big Data Era. International Symposium on "History and Future of Integrative Bioinformatics", Feb. 1, Bielefeld, Germany
189. 陈铭 (2019) 单细胞整合生物信息学研究,浙江大学血液研究所年会,2019年1月25日,杭州
188. 陈铭 (2019) 大数据时代的整合生物信息学,内蒙古工业大学理学院,2019年1月16日,呼和浩特
187. 陈铭 (2019) 生物大数据时代生物信息学应用与开发,浙江工业大学信息工程学院,2019年1月4日,杭州
186. 陈铭(2018)植物生物信息学:从基因组到表型组, 2018年12月19日, 中科院华南植物园, 广州
185. 陈铭(2018)生物大数据时代生物信息学应用与开发, 2018年12月19日,广州大学, 广州
184. 陈铭(2018)生物大数据时代生物信息学应用与开发, 2018年12月18日, 华南理工大学, 广州
183. 陈铭(2018)组学大数据的整合生物信息学.黑龙江省生物信息学学会成立大会暨生物医学大数据与精准医学学术会议, 2018年12月8日, 哈尔滨医科大学, 哈尔滨
182. Ming Chen (2018)Big Omics and Integrative Bioinformatics. Mini-symposium on Big Data Analysis and Visualization, Dec. 1, 2018, Hangzhou, China
181. 陈铭(2018)Integrative Bioinformatics Approaches for Big Omics Data Analysis. 第八届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会暨第一届(澳门)国际生物信息学研讨会, 2018年10月22日,澳门大学,澳门
180. 陈铭(2018)组学大数据生物信息学研究与科研实践.“草原高端讲坛”, 2018年10月18日, 内蒙古民族大学, 通辽
179. 陈铭(2018)医学大数据与多组学科研应用.“精准医学”高级研修班, 2018年10月9日, 宁波大学医学院, 宁波
178**. Ming Chen (2018) Non-coding RNAs and their versatile interactions. 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics (ICBEB 2018), Sep. 20, Tianjin, China
177. 陈铭(2018) Non-coding RNAs and their versatile interactions. 2018年9月19日, 天津大学, 天津
176. Ming Chen (2018) Towards reconstructing plant coding & non-coding regulatory networks. The 1st Bilateral Conference of ZJU-Edinburgh Collaborative Research, Sep. 3, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
175. Qi Chen, Ming Chen (2018) Versatile interactions and bioinformatics analysis of non-coding RNAs.The 11th International Multiconference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology, (BGRS\SB'2018), Aug. 22, Novosibirsk, Russia
174. Cong Feng, Ming Chen (2018) Quantifying genome seqeuence repeatability by Repeater.The 11th International Multiconference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology, (BGRS\SB'2018), Aug. 22, Novosibirsk, Russia
173. Wenyi Wu, Ming Chen (2018) Genome-wide analysis of long non-coding RNAs responsive to multiple nutrient stresses in Arabidopsis thaliana.The 11th International Multiconference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology, (BGRS\SB'2018), Aug. 22, Novosibirsk, Russia
172.Ming Chen (2018) Roles of non-coding RNAs in stress response in plants. Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology of Plants, The 11th International Multiconference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology, Aug. 22, Novosibirsk, Russia
171. Yanshi Hu, Ming Chen (2018) Analyzing the genes related to Alzheimer's disease via a network and pathway-based approach.The 11th International Multiconference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology, (BGRS\SB'2018), Aug. 22, Novosibirsk, Russia
170. Ming Chen (2018) Non-coding RNAs world and bioinformatics study. First Sino-Russian Workshop on Integrative Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, The 11th International Multiconference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology, Aug. 22, Novosibirsk, Russia
169**. Ming Chen (2018) Non-coding RNAs and their interwining networks. Konstanz Sino-German Mini Workshop on Bioinformatics and Bio Visualization, Aug. 10, University of Konstanz, Germany
168. Ming Chen (2018) Bioinformatics and Life Sciences. Sino/German-meeting Bioinformatics, DiDy & CEBITEC Seminars, Aug. 2-3, University of Bielefeld, Germany
167. 陈铭(2018)多组学整合生物信息学.2018年7月27日, 湖州师范学院, 湖州
166. Ming Chen (2018) Big Omics Data and Integrative Bioinformatics. 2018 International Conference on Data Science, Medicine and Bioinformatics, June 23, Wenzhou Business College, Wenzhou
165. Ming Chen (2018) Bioinformatics Approaches for Big Omics Data Analysis. The 1st Bilateral Conference of ZJU-Yale Collaborative Research Center for Environment-related Diseases, June 6, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
164. 陈铭(2018)植物非编码RNA复杂调控网络的生物信息学分析. 首届海上新丝路生命科学青年学术大会, 2018年5月4日, 海南师范大学, 海口
163. 陈铭(2018)组学大数据和整合生物信息学.2018年3月14日, 电子科技大学, 成都
162. Ming Chen (2018) Single Cell Big Data Analysis. The 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, March 13, Chengdu, China
161. Ming Chen (2017) Bioinformatics Education and Research: Interpret big omics data to understand life. Dec. 15, Tomsk State University, Russia
160. Ming Chen (2017) Bioinformatics Education and Research: Interpret big omics data to understand life. Dec. 13, Novosibirsk State University, Russia
159. Ming Chen (2017) Bioinformatics Approaches: from transcriptomics to single cell analysis. Dec. 12, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
158. Ming Chen (2017) Big Omics Data and Bioinformatics for Health Science. Dec. 11, State Scientific-Research Institute of Physiology & Basic Medicine, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
157. Ming Chen (2017) Genome-scale multi-level network reconstruction of rice. Dec. 8, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
156. Ming Chen (2017) Transcriptomics: Coding and Non-coding. Dec. 4, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
155. Ming Chen (2017) Bioinformatics General Introduction. Dec. 1, N.N. Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
154. Ming Chen (2017) Bioinformatics General Introduction. Nov. 27, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS), Novosibirsk, Russia
153. 陈铭(2017)大数据和整合生物信息学. 第7届江苏省生物信息学学术会议, 2017年11月18日, 南京邮电大学, 南京
152. 陈铭(2017)生物信息学的发展及在生物医学中的应用. “生物医学大数据分析”高级研修班, 2017年10月12日, 宁波大学医学院, 宁波
151. 王晶晶,陈铭(2017) 植物表观遗传修饰的多层次调控研究. “农业健康与环境”组学大数据整合生物信息学研讨会, 2017年8月6日, 内蒙古民族大学, 通辽
150. 孟宪文,陈铭(2017) CircPro:一个识别具有蛋白编码潜能性环状RNA的工具. “农业健康与环境”组学大数据整合生物信息学研讨会, 2017年8月4-7日, 内蒙古民族大学, 通辽
149. Ming Chen (2017) Big omics data and bioinformatics for health science, Mini-Symposium on Big Data and Medical Informatics, June 30, Bitola, Macedonia.
148. Ming Chen (2017) Integrative bioinformatics approaches for cellular interactome modelling of rice. The 4th International Scientific Conference "Plant Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology", May 30, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
147. Y.L.Orlov, O.B.Dobrovolskaya, A.O.Bragin, V.N.Babenko, M. Chen (2017) Bioinformatics analysis of genome and transcriptome structures related to freezing and drought resisitance in crop plants. The 4th International Scientific Conference "Plant Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology", May 29-June 2, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
146. Ming Chen (2017) The role of epigenetic factors in long-range interactions and stress response. The 7th International Conference on Nucleic Acid-Protein Chemical and Structural Biology, May. 26, 四川大学, 成都
145. 陈铭(2017) 水稻多层次网络的构建与可视化. 第四届全国计算生物学与生物信息学学术会议, 2017年4月23日, 湖南大学, 长沙
144. 陈铭(2017) 植物非编码RNA的生物信息学发掘与分析. 2017年4月21日,湖南农业大学, 长沙
143. 陈铭(2017) 大数据时代的生物信息学. 2017年4月11日,赤峰学院,赤峰
142. 陈铭(2017) 植物非编码RNA的生物信息学发掘与分析. 2017年3月24日,国家烟草基因研究中心,郑州
141. 陈铭(2017) 生物信息学进展及其应用. 2017年3月23日,浙江中医药大学,杭州
140. Ming Chen (2017) Integrative bioinformatics approaches towards whole plant cell modeling. International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biostatistics for Agriculture, Health and Environment, Jan. 22, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
139. 陈铭(2017) 非编码转录组学的生物信息学研究. 2017年1月6日,宁波大学,宁波
138. 陈铭(2016) Subcellular Localization Prediction of Rice Proteome and Virtual Cell Modeling.第六届全国植物蛋白质研究大会, 2016年12月19日,海南大学,海口
137. Ming Chen(2016) Approaches for whole cell modelling of rice. Sep. 29, Potsdam University, Germany
136. Ming Chen(2016) DaTo: the atlas of biolgoical databases and tools.The 12th International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics, Sep. 22, Bielefeld, Germany
135. Hongjun Chen, Jitong Xue, Ming Chen (2016) A spatial model of plant interactome and long non-coding RNA.The 10th International Conference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology, (BGRS\SB'2016), Sep. 1, Novosibirsk, Russia
134. Jitong Xue, Ming Chen, Yincong Zhou, Wanmao Ni (2016) Web-based application for flow cytometry data analysis. The 10th International Conference on the Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology, (BGRS'2016) MM&HPC-BBB-2016, Aug. 30, Novosibirsk, Russia
133. 陈铭 (2016) Integrative Bioinformatics: achieved and missing.第5届青年生物信息PI研讨会暨北京生命科学论坛第三十八次会议, 2016年8月13日,中科院北京基因组所,北京
132. Ming Chen (2016) Bioinformatics Insight behind the Beauty of Plants. Asian Beauty Research Symposium, Aug 10, AmorePacific, Shanghai, China
131. 陈铭 (2016) 基于多组学数据整合的水稻生物大网络. 科学大数据前沿国际研讨会,2016年7月8-10日,内蒙古科技大学,包头
130. Salwa E.S. Mohamed, Oxana B. Dobrovolskaya, Vladimir N. Babenko, Khaled Salem, Ming Chen, Yuriy L. Orlov (2016) Comparative analysis of plant genome structure and antisense transcripts. Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference (BELBI 2016), June 20-24, Belgrade, Serbia,
129. Ming Chen (2016) The role of cross-talk epigenetic patterns, long-range interactions and NATs in gene regulation. The 6th International Conference on Nucleic Acid-Protein Chemical and Structural Biology for Novel Drug Discovery, May 27, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
128. 陈铭 (2016) 组学大数据的生物信息学分析,西湖论坛-干细胞与转化医学研讨会,2016年4月18日,杭州紫金港
127. 陈铭 (2016) Bioinformatics approaches for plant ncRNAs regulatory networks. 第三届全国计算生物学与生物信息学学术会议,2016年4月16日,南方医科大学,广州
126. Ming Chen (2016) From plant non-coding RNAs to virtual plant cell modeling, April 6, Frankfurt University, Germany.
125. Ming Chen (2016) Plant non-coding RNAs, protein subcellular localization and interactome, April 5, Goettingen University, Germany.
124. Ming Chen (2016) Bioinformatics approaches for plant high-throughput phenotyping.Workshop on "modelling tree growth and physiological proccesses at organ, branch and whole-tree scale" (ANR DFG project FSPM Apple), April 4, Goettingen, Germany.
123. 陈铭 (2016) MicroRNA多水平分子互作网络,精准医学与高性能计算学术研讨会,2016年3月26日,上海交通大学,上海
122. Ming Chen (2016) Plant non-coding RNAs, protein subcellular localization and interactome, Mini-Symposium on transcriptome studies in non-model plants, March 17, Cape Town, South Africa.
121. Lu Zhu, Björn Sommer, Christoph Brinkolf, Ralf Hofestädt, Lili Liu, Xianwen Meng and Ming Chen (2015) Virtual Plant Cell Modeling and 3D Visualization, The Joint 15th International Workshop on Network Tools and Applications for Biology and 11th Integrative Bioinformatics International Symposium, Oct 14-16, Bari, Italy.
120. Ming Chen (2015) Genome-wide multilevel spatial interactome model of rice
, Sino-German workshop "Multiscale Spatial Computational Systems Biology", Oct.10, Sino-German Science Center, Beijing, China
119. Ming Chen (2015) Computational Systems Biology in China, Sino-German workshop "Multiscale Spatial Computational Systems Biology", Oct.10, Sino-German Science Center, Beijing, China
118. Ming Chen (2015)
Organelle-focused interactome of rice, The 9th International Conference on Systems Biology, August 23, Luoyang, China
117. Ming Chen (2015) Biomedical Informatics, from academic to industry, Beielefeld University, July 28, Bielefeld, Germany.
116. Ming Chen (2015) Big Data, Big Network: computational modecular biology of rice. The 7th International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology, July 16-19, Moscow, Russia.
115. Ming Chen (2015) Towards MicroRNA Interactome and Network Visualization. The Protein Network Workshop: “Networks in Biological Sciences”, June 8-12, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
114. 陈铭 (2015) 生物大数据与生物信息学分析,浙江工业大学,2015年6月17日,杭州
113. Ming Chen (2015) Organell-focused proteomes and interactomes in rice.China-South Africa Symposium on Plant Omics, June 4, Hangzhou, China.
112. 陈铭 (2015) 基于多组学高通量数据的植物转录调控网络分析,福建农林大学,2015年5月20日,福州
111. Ming Chen (2015) RiceNet: an integrative approach towards virtual cell modeling.Sino-German Symposium on Virtual Cell Modeling, April 4, Hangzhou, China.
110. 陈铭 (2015) From Omics, Systems Biology to Synthetic Biology, 浙江大学生物医学工程与仪器科学学院,2015年1月28日,杭州玉泉
109. 陈铭 (2015) From Omics Data and Non-coding RNA Systems Biology,浙江大学基础医学年会,2015年1月17日,杭州紫金港
108. 陈铭 (2014) 基于高通量测序数据的植物非编码RNA的挖掘与分析,内蒙古大学,2014年12月2日,呼和浩特
107. 陈铭 (2014)
106. 陈铭 (2014)
105. 陈铭 (2014) 植物亚细胞分子水平生物网络的重构与分析,山东大学,2014年11月23日,济南
104. 陈铭 (2014) 水稻多层次生物网络的重构及分析,华中科技大学,2014年10月14日,武汉
103. 陈铭 (2014)
RiceNet, an integrative approach for genome wide metabolic network reconstruction of rice, 第六届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会,东南大学,2014年10月8日,南京
102. Jingjing Wang, Ming Chen (2014) The roles of cross-talking epigenetic patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana, 2014 International Workshop on Biological Big Bytes , Sep 20, Harbin, China.
101. 陈铭 (2014) 植物非编码RNA的生物信息学研究,哈尔滨医科大学,2014年8月19日,哈尔滨
100. 陈铭 (2014) 水稻大生物网络的构建,2014作物生物信息学研讨会,南京农业大学,2014年8月16日,南京
99. 陈铭 (2014) 生物信息学应对生物大数据之挑战,温州医科大学,2014年7月31日,温州
98. Ming Chen (2014) Integrative Prediction of Plant Protein Subcellular Locations. 2014 International German/Russian Summer School on Integrative Biological Pathway Analysis and Simulation, June 2-4, Bielefeld, Germany.
97. Ming Chen (2014) Towards MicroRNA Interactome and Network Visualization. 3. International Workshop on “Translational Bioinformatics and Health Informatics”, May 21-23, Izmir, Turkey.
96. Ming Chen (2014) Construction of the Rice Genome-scale Multiple Level Regulatory Network.International Symposium on Integative Bioinformatics, May 13-15, Newcastle, UK.
95. Ming Chen (2014) 生物大数据时代的科学研究,湖州师范学院,2014年3月30日,湖州
94. Lili Liu, Ming Chen (2013) Construction of the Rice Genome-scale Multiple Level Regulatory Network. 2013 International Workshop on Crops, Chips, and Computers, Sep 13, Tongliao, China.
93. Ming Chen, Lili Liu, Qian Mei and Zijun Zhang
(2013) RiceNet: Genome-scale multi-level network reconstruction of rice. International Conference on Integrative Biology Summit, August 5-7, Embassy Suites Las Vegas, USA.
92. Ming Chen (2013) Towards a comprehensive microRNA interactome network. 5th International Young Scientists School "Systems Biology and Bioinformatics", June 23-26, Novosibrisk, Russia.
91. Yue Wang, Ming Chen (2013) An evaluation of the software tools for plants microRNA deep-sequencing data analysis. 5th International Young Scientists School "Systems Biology and Bioinformatics", June 23-26, Novosibrisk, Russia.
90. Danfeng Jin, Yuhua Zhao, Ming Chen (2013) Differential expression analysis of microRNAs in the root of M.truncatula when symbiosis with S.meliloti and G.intraradices. 5th International Young Scientists School "Systems Biology and Bioinformatics", June 23-26, Novosibrisk, Russia.
89. Ming Chen (2013) 生物信息学进展与应用,内蒙古科技大学,2013年4月22日,包头
88. Lili Liu, Ming Chen (2012) An Integrative Bioinformatics Framework for Genome-scale Multiple Level Network Reconstruction of Rice, International Symposium on Integative Bioinformatics, March 24, The Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany.
87. Ming Chen (2013) 生物信息学概况与专业建设,内蒙古民族大学,2013年3月23日,通辽
86. Ming Chen (2012) Integrative Bioinformatics Approaches for Small RNAs and Natural Antisense Transcripts Studies in Plants, Mini-symposium, July 25, CeBiTec, Bielefeld University, Germany.
85. Ming Chen (2012) Integrative Bioinformatics Approaches for Small RNAs and Natural Antisense Transcripts Studies in Plants, Open Discussion Forum Bioinformatics, July 20, The Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany.
84. Ming Chen (2012) Plant transcriptome and small RNAs analysis: bioinformatics approaches, BGRS\SB-2012, June 27, Novosibrisk, Russia..
82.Y.L. Orlov, G. Li, D.A. Afonnikov, B. Lim, N. Clarke, M. Huss, K.V. Gunbin, Y. Ruan, N.L. Podkolodnyy, M. Chen, H.-H. Ng (2012) TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR BINDING AND CHROMATIN MODIFICATIONS ANALYSIS BY CHIP SEQUENCING DATA, BGRS\SB-2012, June 25-29, Novosibrisk, Russia.
81. 陈铭 (2012) 植物转录组学生物信息学分析, 新疆大学,2012年6月24日,乌鲁木齐
80.陈铭(2011) ZJU-China @ iGEM,哈尔滨工业大学,2001年12月3日,哈尔滨
79.Ming Chen(2011) Toward Systems Understanding of Plant Small RNAs and NATs,东北农业大学,2001年12月3日,哈尔滨
78.陈铭(2011) 浙江大学生物信息学专业建设及人才培养,第六届"高校生命科学教学论坛", 2011年11月20日,南昌
77. Ming Chen (2011) Computational Analysis of Plant small RNAs and NATs, 亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,广西大学,2011年11月17日,南宁
76. Guy Baudoux, Ming Chen (2011) Prediction of the 3D structure of OsPHF1 and OsPT8, Annual Workshop on "Chips, Computers and Crops" (CCC'2011), Sep 22, Wuhan
75. Ming Chen (2011) Systems Biology and Plant Small RNA Network, 华中科技大学,2001年9月21日,武汉
74. Chao Feng, Kun-song Chen, Ming Chen (2011) Functional annotation of Chinese bayberry (Myrica rubra Sieb. and Zucc.) transcriptome during fruit ripening, Mini Symposium: "From Omics to Phenomics, and to Systems Biology, July 25, Hangzhou
73. Dijun Chen, Ming Chen (2011) The BIG world of small RNAs, Mini Symposium: "From Omics to Phenomics, and to Systems Biology, July 25, Hangzhou
72. 陈铭 (2011) 植物小分子RNA序列与功能的生物信息学研究,南京农业大学,2011年7月13日,南京
71. 陈铭 (2011) 系统生物学中的网络建模的研究进展,温州医学院,2011年6月24日,温州
70. 陈铭 (2011) 植物小分子RNA高通量数据分析及调控网络研究,郑州烟草研究院,2011年5月24日,郑州
69. 陈铭 (2011) 基于下一代测序数据分析植物小分子RNA及其调控,浙江农林大学,2011年5月17日,临安
68. Ming Chen (2011) The computational analysis of micro-RNA's using next generation sequencing data in plants, 23 March, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, UK.
67. Ming Chen (2011) Computational plant transcriptomics based on HTP data analysis, 21 March, Essex University, Colchester, UK
66. 陈铭 (2011) 我国作物生物信息学研究的思考与建议,华大基因研究院,2011年3月11日,深圳
65. 陈铭 (2011) 系统生物学建模分析,浙江大学加州纳米研究院,2011年3月3日,杭州
64. Donglin Huang, Yiling Huang, Christian Klukas, Ralf Hofestaedt, Ming Chen* (2010) PBSK Browser: navigate biological pathways of PSI-MI, BioPAX, SBML and KGML formats, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops, Dec. 18-21, Hong Kong.
63. 陈铭 (2010) 系统生物学与合成生物学, 浙江工业大学,2010年11月26日,杭州
62. 陈铭 (2010) Several topics in current bioinformatics, 湖州师范学院,2010年10月16日,湖州
61. Yijun Meng, Ming Chen (2010) RNA editing of nuclear transcripts in Arabidopsis thaliana, International Conference of Bioinformatics (InCoB21010), Sep 26-28, Tokyo, Japan
60. Yijun Meng, Ming Chen (2010) Characterization of plant small RNAs based on high-throughput sequencing, Plant Genomics in China XI, Aug 19-21, Changchun, China
59. Ming Chen (2010) Computational Analysis of Plant Samll RNAs, The 8th International Bioinformatics Workshop (IBW2010), June 4-6, Wuhan, China
58. Yijun Meng, Ming Chen* (2010) Gain insights into plant transcriptomes by digging next-generation sequencing data,2010 International Workshop on Integrative Biological Pathway Analysis and Simulation (IB-PAS 2010), May 17-21, Bielefeld, Germany
57. 陈铭 (2010) 应用生物信息学,上海农业科学院,2010年2月2日,上海
56. Ming Chen (2010) A computational approach for identification of human disease phenotype-genotype association, Sino-German Workshop on "Computational systems biology approaches for cancer research and biomarker discovery", Jan. 11-15, Hangzhou, China
55. 陈铭 (2009) 生物信息资源平台的建设及应用,浙江省高校生命科学学院(系)协作会议,2009年12月5日,宁波
54. 陈铭 (2009) 作物功能基因组分析平台及系统生物学研究, 华中农业大学, 2009年11月17日, 武汉
53. 陈铭 (2009) 系统生物学中的建模问题, 2009年生命系统建模仿真学术研讨会, 2009年11月4日, 北京大学
52. 陈铭 (2009) 系统医药信息学(Systems MedInformatics), 全国计算机化学会第十届学术年会、计算机辅助组学研究及其在药物研发与疾病诊断中的应用研讨会, 2009年10月23、24日, 杭州
51. Ming Chen (2009) Modeling and Simulation of Biological Networks, 2009 International Summer School on Chips, Computers and Crops, Zhejiang University, Sep. 21-28, Hangzhou
50. Ming Chen (2009) The Australia China Young Scientist Exchange Programme 2009 - Report, Aug 27, Australian National University, Australia.
49. Ming Chen (2009) Bioinformatics and Its Application, Bioinformatics Sydney. Aug 24, Sydney University, Australia.
48. Ming Chen (2009) Plant Bioinformatics, The Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics. Aug 20-21, Adelaide, Australia.
47. 陈铭,白有煌(2009)植物生物信息学及竹子基因组学分析,浙江林学院,2009年8月6日,临安
46. Donglin Huang, Ming Chen* (2009) Layout of Signaling Pathways, Sino-German Workshop Bioinformatics, July 9-10, Bielefeld, Germany
45. 陈铭 (2008) 后基因组时代浙江省生物资源信息收集和应用, 浙江省高校生命科学学院(系)协作会议, 2008年12月6日, 舟山
44. Ming Chen (2008) Pathways prediction and analysis, Sino-German-Russian Workshop “Metabolic Network Analysis”, Bielefeld University, Aug. 25-26, Bielefeld, Germany
43. Junjie Cao, Ming Chen* (2008) A model of microarray pre-processing and it's application, Integrative Bioinformatics Workshop 2008, Aug. 20-22, Lecucorea Wittenberg, Germany
42. Xiang Chen, Ming Chen* (2008) VIRS: a web server for identifying restriction sites in multiple DNA sequences, Integrative Bioinformatics Workshop 2008, Aug. 20-22, Lecucorea Wittenberg, Germany
41. Cong Luo, Ming Chen* (2008) OsPAD: A Systemic Proteome Annotation Database for Oryza sativa 2D-PAGE, the Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2008). June 22-28, Novosibirsk, Russia.
40. Ming Chen (2007) DAAD Summer School 2007 - Methods from Mathematics and Computer Science, Oct. 12. PICB, Shanghai.
39. Ming Chen (2007) Rice Chip Annotation System and Gene Regulatory Sub-Network Inference, Waterman Seminar, Sep. 26th. Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany.
38. Wen Du, Yan Geng, Mingxi Chen, Zhaohui Zhang, Ming Chen* (2007) Bioinformatics Analysis of NMDAR 1, the 3rd International Conference of Molecular Simulations and Applied Informatics Technologies, April 19-22, Hangzhou, China, pp.108-117.
37. Chenyi Pan, Xiao Wang, Wenqi Zhu, Jian Wang, Zhaohui Zhang,Ming Chen* (2007) Bioinformatics Analysis of PSD-95 Structure and Its Interacting Partners, the 3rd International Conference of Molecular Simulations and Applied Informatics Technologies, April 19-22, Hangzhou, China, pp.118-129.
36. 陈铭 (2007) 生物信息学讲座, 2007年4月, 福建农林大学
35. Ming Chen (2007) Prediction and Simulation of Pathway, Shanghai workshop on Genome-Based Systems Biotechnology of Biotechnologically Relevant Prokaryotes, March 12-16, PICB, Shanghai, China.
34. Ming Chen (2006) Approaches for Large Scale Biological Network Modeling and Simulation, Mini-Symposis on Current Problems in Systems Biology, Oct. 27, PICB, Shanghai, China.
33. Ming Chen, Fei He, Qingyun Shi, Ping Wu (2006) A novel and integrative approach for rice gene expression an annotation and functional analysis, Oct. 9-13, 2nd International Rice Congress, New Delhi, India.
32. Ming Chen (2006) Systems Analysis of Biopathways, July 14, Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany.
31. Fei He, Qingyun Shi, Chuan Shao, Ming Chen* (2006) Gene Expression Profiling and Protein Function Analysis of Oryza sative, EMBO course "Protein: Structure, Dynamics, Energnetics", May 10-17, PICB, Shanghai, China.
30. Wei Hong, Bin Zhu, Ming Chen* (2006) Integrated Bioinformatics Analysis of Proteomics Based on SWISS-PROT, EMBO course "Protein: Structure, Dynamics, Energnetics", May 10-17, PICB, Shanghai, China.
29. Ming Chen (2006) Approaches towards Systematic Analyses of Metabolic Disorders and Relevant Biological Networks. Mini-Symposium "From Epidemiology to Applied Systems Biology", April 18, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai, China.
28. 陈铭 (2005) 植物生物信息学, 植物科学与浙江科技经济发展论坛, 2005年11月18-20日, 绍兴
27. Ming Chen (2005) From simple nucleotides ATCG to complex biological networks: what do mathematicians do? Oct. 26, Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University.
26. Zheng Ye, Huan Xu, Qichao Tu, Shu Hong, Tiansheng Xie, Di Xia, Ming Chen* (2005) A Web-based Platform for Drug Metabolism Research, 2005 Hangzhou International Conference on Drug Metabolism, Oct. 18th-20th, Hangzhou, China.
25. Ming Chen (2005) Prediction and Alignment of Biopathways, 2005 Computational Biology - Challenges and Visions, Oct.13-16, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai.
24. Sridhar Hariharaputran, Ming Chen and Ralf Hofest?t (2005) Alignment and Classification of Signaling Pathways, German Conference on Bioinformatics, Oct. 5th-7th, Hamburg, Germany.
23. Ming Chen, Ralf Hofestädt (2005) Integrative Analysis of Metabolic Disorders by Means of Medical Bioinformatics, 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2005, Sep.1-4, Shanghai, China.
22. Ming Chen (2005) Systems Analysis of Biopathways, Sep.1, Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology, Shanghai.
21. 陈铭 (2005) 生物信息学与生物工程, 2005年7月, 浙江工业大学.
20. Ming Chen (2005) Towards Systems Analysis of Biopathways. China-UK Systems Biology Workshop, 2005, June 20-21, Hangzhou, China.
19. Ming Chen (2005) Structural Analysis of Generalized and Specific Biological Networks. Metabolic Pathway Analysis, MPA'05, 2005, March 3-4, Jena, Germany.
18. 陈铭 (2004) 后基因组时代的生物信息学/生物代谢网络的建模与分析/生物代谢途径的重建与对准, 2004年9月, 内蒙古农业大学.
17. Ming Chen (2004) A Systems Analysis of Urea Cycle Disorders, 3rd BREW: Bioinformatics Research & Education Workshop, 2004, April 26-28, Helsinki, Finland.
16. 陈铭 (2004) 生物信息学进展, 2003年12月, 内蒙古农业大学/内蒙古大学/内蒙古师范大学.
15. Ming Chen, Susana Lin and Ralf Hofestaedt (2003) Recommendations for Classification and Nomenclature of Signal Transduction. In: Signal Transduction: Receptors, Mediators and Genes - abstract proceedings of 7th Meeting of the Signal Transduction Society, 2003, Nov. 6-8, Weimar, Germany, Vol.3-4/2003: 134.
14. Susana Lin, Ming Chen and Ralf Hofestaedt (2003) Signaling Network triggerable by Trypanosoma cruzi through Calcium. In: Signal Transduction: Receptors, Mediators and Genes - abstract proceedings of 7th Meeting of the Signal Transduction Society, 2003, Nov. 6-8, Weimar, Germany, Vol.3-4/2003: 174.
13. Ming Chen (2003) Reconstruction of Metabolic Pathways via a Web-Based Biological Information Retrieval System. 2nd BREW: Bioinformatics Research & Education Workshop, 2003, April 28-40, ZIF-Uni, Bielefeld, Germany.
12. Ming Chen (2003) Systems Metabolic Network Modeling and Simulation with Petri Nets. 38th Winter Seminar "Biophysical Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Cybernetics of Cell Functions". January 15-29, 2003, Klosters, Switzerland
11. Ming Chen (2002) Systems Biology Modeling and Simulating Metabolic Networks with Petri Nets. In Poster Abstracts' Book of the ICSB'02 - International Conference on Systems Biology, 2002, Dec. 13-15, Stockholm, Sweden, p85.
10. Ming Chen, Andreas Freier, Jacob Koehler, Alexander Rueegg (2002) The Biology Petri Net Markup Language. In: J?rg Desel, Mathias Weske (Hrsg.), Lecture Notes in Informatics - proceedings of Promise'2002, Oct. 9-11, Potsdam, Germany, Vol. 21: 150-161.
9. Ming Chen (2002) Matabolic Pathway Alignment and Alternative Pathways Indentification. In Poster Abstracts' Book of the ECCB'02 (in conjunction with the GCB'02) - European Conference on Computational Biology, 2002, Oct. 6-9, Saarbrücken, Germany, p22: 40-41.
8. Ming Chen (2002) Pairwise Metabolic Pathway Alignment. In abstract of the WABI'02 - 2nd Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, 2002, Sep. 16-21, Rome, Italy.
7. Ming Chen, Andreas Freier and Ralf Hofestaedt (2002) Graph Theory Based Metabolic Network Initial Analysis and Metabolic Pathway Alignment, the abstract proceeding of "ICM 2002, The 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Biology", 2002, Aug. 15-18, Guilin, China.
6. Ming Chen (2002) Modelling and Simulation of Metabolic Networks with Petri Nets Approach, 2002, June 25, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany.
5. Ming Chen (2002) Modelling and Simulation of Metabolic Networks: Petri Nets Approach and Perspective, in the proceeding of "ESM 2002, 16th European Simulation Multiconference" , 2002, June 3-5, Darmstadt, Germany, pp: 441-444.
4. Ming Chen and Andreas Freier (2002) Petri Net Based Modelling and Simulation of Metabolic Networks in the Cell, 1st BREW: Bioinformatics Research & Education Workshop, 2002, April 17-19, EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, England.
3. Ming Chen, Ralf Hofestaedt and Andreas Freier (2001) A Workable Approach for Modeling and Simulation of Biochemical Processes with a Hybrid Petri nets System, 1st International MTBio Workshop on Function and Regulation of Cellular Systems: Experiments and Models, 2001, June 24-30, Dresden, Germany, p20.
2. Ming Chen (2000) Modelling the glycolysis metabolism using hybrid petri nets, DFG-Workshop im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktes Informatikmethoden zur Analyse und genomischer Datenmengen 2000, Mai 19-20, Magdeburg, Germany.
1. Andreas Freier,Ming Chen und Ralf Hofestaedt (2000) MetabSim - Regelbasierte Simulation Metabolischer Prozesse. DFG-Workshop im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktes Informatikmethoden zur Analyse und genomischer Datenmengen , 2000, Mai 19-20, Magdeburg, Germany.
- 博士论文
Ming Chen (2004) In Silico Systems Analysis of Biopathways, PhD Thesis (Dr. rer. nat), Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany.
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