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Domestic Positions
- 中国林业科学研究院林业所麻文俊课题组招聘职工,生物信息学博士、非京籍(2024.10.16)
- 广东省科学院微生物研究所微生物工程研究发展中心招收生物信息学博士生(2024.5.28)
- 中科院遗传发育所招收生物信息学博士生(2023.8.11)
- 中科院遗传发育所招聘生信数据分析的助理研究员或副研,要求博士后及有博士后经历(2023.5.3)
- 杭州师范大学基础医学院孙小明教授团队招聘生物信息学博士后和科研助理(2023.1.10)
- 中科院医学所&浙江省肿瘤医院陈天辉团队招聘博士后和科研助理(2022.9.18)
- 北京大学现代农业研究院宋宝兴课题组招聘生物信息学方向博士后和科研助理(2022.9.7)
- 中科院深圳先进技术研究院合成所资治科课题组招聘系统生物学方向博士后和科研助理(2022.9.7)
- 南京医科大学招聘生物信息学方向特聘教授,公卫重点学科(2022.2.10)
- 浙江大学医学中心/良渚实验室沈宁课题组招聘博士后、博士生、科研助理(2021.8.4)
- 浙江农林大学招聘生物信息学博士后,省部共建国家重点实验室(2021.6.16)
- 浙江海洋大学招聘生物信息学科研人员,严小军研究员团队(2021.4.29)
- 南华大学附属第一医院“脑疾病多组学研究中心”招聘生物信息学助理研究员、博士后(2021.4.4)
- 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院生物医学大数据中心招聘生物信息学科研助理、博士后;以及2021夏令营招生(2021.4.1)
- 南京大学招聘生物信息学博士后,陈迪俊研究组(2021.2.2)
- 复旦大学招聘生物信息学博士后,赵兴明教授团队(2021.1.15)
- 杭州师范大学招聘生物信息学专业教师,正式编制(2021.1.10)
- 浙江大学医学院招收硕士、博士毕业生,郑小凤研究组(2020.12.2)
- 中科院遗传发育所招收博士生、招聘博士后及助理研究员,贺飞研究组(2020.11.2)
- 温州肯恩大学理工学院招聘生物信息学科研助理(2020.4.13)
- 国家基因组科学数据中心(中科院基因组研究所)招聘生物信息学科研人员(2019.12.6)
- 西交利物浦大学中国穿山甲研究中心招聘生物信息学科研人员、技术员、秘书(2019.9.16)
- 中信湘雅生殖与遗传专科医院招聘生物信息学科研人员,年薪50万以上(2019.4.11)
- 内蒙古科技大学招聘生物信息学专业教师8名(2019.4.8)
- 东北农业大学招聘生物信息学专业教师(2019.1.18)
- 海南师范大学生命科学学院植物抗逆整合生物学课题组招聘启事(2018.4.2)
- 浙江理工大学招聘生物信息学专业教师(2018.2.2)
- 浙江大学生物信息学专业专任教师招聘启事(2017.5.2)
- 企业招聘(银丰基因科技有限公司):生物信息分析工程师2~3名,生物信息技术支撑工程师1名 - 15/02/2017
- East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI), China EAPSI Handbook
- 企业招聘:生物信息学硕士毕业生 - 31/12/14
- 企业招聘:Personal health Informatics/Personalized Medicine Company in Hangzhou recruiting Bioinformaticians (GWAS or disease research background preferred) - 14/06/14
- 天津大学计算机学院招收博士生,唐继军小组
- 东北农业大学招聘:生物信息学博士毕业,正式岗位编制
- 中科院系统生物学重点实验室招收直博生,生物信息学相关专业。
- Internship from Shanghai University
- 中国农业科学院招博士后或工作岗位1名,生物信息学专业。
- 合成生物学生物安全博士后(中科院植物所)
- PICB招聘博士后或工作岗位1名,生物信息学专业,或植物学专业。
- Two Joint PhD positions in Bioinformatics/Computational Systems Biology at TU Dresden, Germany and Zhejiang University, China
- 国内博士后1位,从事细胞自噬(Autophagy)相关生物信息学、系统生物学研究。
- Postdoctoral openings in Computational Biology (PICB)
Overseas Positions
- PhD and Post-doc positions for BioSystem Engineering, in Prof. Yi Wang's Lab, UC Davis, 21/12/2024
- PhD Position of ontology-based multi-scaled Functional-Structural Plant Model (FSPM) of greenhouse tomato at Institut Agro, Prof. Gerhard Buck-Sorlin's lab, dearline 17/05/2024
- PhD and Post-doc positions for Bioinformatics, in Dr. Keywan Hassani-Pak's group, Rothamsted Research, 20/09/2023
- 洛杉矶Cedars-Sinai/UCLA张子钧课题组招聘博士后、研究助理,27/09/2022
- Postdoctoral Position of Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics at Northwestern University, Prof. Rendong Yang's lab, 01/04/2022 & 05/10/2023
- A PhD student project in Structural Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling team, University of Montpellier, FRANCE, 06/01/2022
- PhD and Post-doc positions for Biosystems Engineering, in Prof. Yi Wang's Lab, Auburn University, 06/11/2021
- PhD student positions for Bioinformatics, in Prof. Hong Qin's Lab, University of Tennessee, 06/04/2021
- Post-doc position for Bioinformatics, in King Faisal and KACST, Saudi Arabia, 03/02/2021
- Post-doc research associate position and PhD position for Metabolic Engineering or Synthetic Biology, Biosystems Engineering Department, Auburn University, Prof. Yi Wang's group, 15/04/2019
- Postdoctoral Position in Bioinformatics at The Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota, Prof. Rendong Yang's lab, 06/04/2019
- PhD student positions in Biology / Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Prof. Xu Luo's lab, 25/03/2019
- PhD position for Synthetic Biology, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth, Prof. Rahul Sarpeshkar's lab, 27/11/2018
- PhD/Postdoc on Bioinformatics, School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma, Prof. Chongle Pan's group, 29/09/2018
- Post-doc research associate position, Biosystems Engineering Department, Auburn University, Prof. Yi Wang’s group, 19/07/2018
- PhD student (modelling of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum in garden-orchard systems), AGRO Campus |INRA. 25/05/2018
- Bioinformatics Research Associate/Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, 05/03/2018
- UoM - China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scheme Entry October 2018 for Faculty Graduate Education, Manchester University, Prof. Patrick Yizhi Cai's group, 04/11/2017
- The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) graduate program, 21/10/2017
- Deputy Director of Science (Bioinformatics) at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 20/09/2017
- 生物信息学实习生,哈佛大学医学院Yang-Yu Liu教授实验室,19/06/2017
- MSCA(欧盟玛丽居里项目) PhD in Anti-infective medical devices; microbial biofilms, Zhe Zhang's group, 29/05/2017
- Research opportunities under the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships programme, University of Essex, 19/05/2017
- PhD student in Plant Image Analysis, IPK Gatersleben, 12/05/2017
- Post-doctoral Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Prof. Louxin Zhang's Lab, 18/02/2017
- Postdoc researcher at Texas A &M (Prof. Peng Yu's lab, 25/11/16)
- 俄勒冈健康与科学大学(OHSU)计算生物学博士后和访问学者职位(Prof. Zheng Xia's lab, 12/11/16)
- Postdoctoral Jobs Available – University of Texas Medical School at Houston (Prof. Wenbo Li's lab, 08/10/16)
- An RA position for PhD in big data-driven bioinformatics, Prof. Peng Yu's lab at TAMU ECE (Fall 2016)
- 香港理工大学计算学系招生物信息学博士后(21K-25K港币)
- a 3-year postdoctoral position: integrated bioinformatics analyses, at the University of Lorraine (Nancy, France). (Prof. David Meyre, 07/01/16)
- Newton International Fellowships for eary career postdoctoral researchers(Dr. Hugh Shanahan, 06/01/16)
- Post-doc position: Prof. Long-Xi Yu's lab at Washington State University. (招博士后;03/11/15)
- ANR-DFG project: "Multiscale functional-structural plant modelling at the example of apple trees". (招1位博士,4位博士后;04/02/15)
- Bioinformatics Postdoctoral Fellow (UCLA)
- The British Academy & the Royal Society Newton International Fellowship - Deadline 10/04/13
- Two positions towards a functional-structual plant model of the apple branch (IRHS, Angers, France)
- PhD student positions in Synthetic Biology/Genomics (University of Edinburgh)
- Two JUNIOR LEADER positions @Plant Systems Biology (VIB-UGent, Belgium)
- Master of Science AIV, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Life Science (Cursus Lilian Bettencourt, France)
- Bioinformatician, Computational Biologist (Righam and Women's Hospital - Harvard Medical School)
- PhD Opportunities in Computer Science (Royal Holloway, University of London)
- 中德合作:德国博士后1名,生物信息学研究。
- 西澳大学招博士后,计算生物学、系统生物学专业。
- Postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics and statistics (芝加哥大学)
- Postdoc position in Genomics and Bioinformatics at CSIRO (Forest Genomics)
- PhD Program: Protein-protein docking based on predicted interfaces (EML Research gGmbH)
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