The RepLoc programs can be downloaded here. Please go to tutorial to see how to run the program.
Organism | Genome | Rmap20 | Rmap24 | Rmap36 | Rmap50 |
Human | hg38 | Rmap20 (9.1G) | Rmap24 (4.7G) | Rmap36 (3.2G) | Rmap50 (1.8G) |
Human | hg19 | Rmap20 (8.6G) | Rmap24 (4.4G) | Rmap36 (2.4G) | Rmap50 (1.5G) |
Mouse | mm10 | Rmap20 (7.9G) | Rmap24 (4.4G) | Rmap36 (3.3G) | Rmap50 (2.7G) |
Mouse | mm9 | Rmap20 (7.3G) | Rmap24 (3.9G) | Rmap36 (2.9G) | Rmap50 (1.9G) |
Note: all files were processed with the k-mer length of 20 (Rmap20).