
STCDB is an integrative database for cell signal transduction classification alignment. Using this database platform, you can easily search, check and align the pathway that you are interested in.

Here is a manual for your better experience on the platform.


You can quickly use the quick search function on the homepage

You can decide in which field they want to search their interested content by choosing the rolldown tag of the database on the left. Result would be shown when you finishes inputing and clicks the search button.


The result page provides links to the detail page of each entry. And you can also access the particular page on the external linked database by the link in the ID column


Here you can get to know which pathways are more close based on the algorithm in our system. you can choose to align their interested pathway with ones in our databases or to align your interested pathway with your customed ones.

2.1 Align target pathway with ones in the database

Input your pathway(entities of stcodes are all acceptable, separated with comma) and you can easily start to align. This function would align your interested pathway with all pathways in our database.

Align results would show from score high to low in the result page.

2.2 Align with your own pathways.

You can input customed pathways when adding more input boxes. This function would align your interested pathway with all other pathways given by yourself.

Align results would show from score high to low in the result page.

3.View the network

We provide fine visualization function to assist users to view their interested pathways in the form of a network. The function can be accessed from both the result page of the align function and the result page of search in pathway tag. you can view the result in network


Just check the box in the list and you can view the chosen pathways in the following way.


You can interact with the network with your mouse to zoom in or out, move the position of the picture or particular node, highlight the node you are interested and so on.

4.Calculate the key factor in the network

When viewing many pathways in a network, it may be hard to recognize the key factor of the network. So we provide users with a integrated tool to analyse the key factor of the network.


Just start calculate by pressing the button, the key factor would be calculated and shown on the right.


Users can also access the whole database by the scrolldown tag on the navigation bar.

And you are welcomed to explore more useful databases and tools from our lab website.